September 10, 2009

Keith Urban concert! Sept. 9, 2009

Keith Urban! Oh yeah! My friend Kat, who I work with at Primary's, called me the day before the show and asked if I liked Keith. I said, yeah! She then asked if I would like to go to the concert with her! I was stoked! So here I am, spontaniety is the best!

I'm here... at the ESA! I just recently heard it shortened to that, genius, I like it! It's almost like the EAC, which is near where Keith is from anyways!

Check it out!
Kat and I in front of his tour bus! I think he just finished speaking when they took this picture. It's not his best, but still cute nonetheless! Kat and I are escaping together, just like his tour name, girl's night out! Oh yeah!

It's just me and the bull, wearing a hawaiian palm tree shirt of course!

Got to love it!

Now this is a great picture of him!

I'm really here, sweet!

Smile! The concert is starting any minute!

My Keith Urban concert ticket!

This was at the very end. I have respect for Keith. He thanked all of us for being there last night, especially with this economy, he said it was a huge crowd! And after his last song, he put up his guitar and took time to shake hands and give autographs. I was very impressed by this, he really appreciates his fans!

I had fun with my black and white feature on my camera again. Keith walked out to the middle of the arena to another stage setting to sing a few songs. On his way there, some fans got way too excited and pushed one of the railings over, causing a huge group to fall flat on the ground. He noticed and asked if everyone was ok, he's so awesome!

He had this huge screen behind them with all different pictures! I love it! You can see him on the far left one, him and his guitar in the middle three, and him again on the right! I just wish I was closer down so I didn't get the speakers in the picture. Oh well, it's still cool! And I had a great time!

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