December 8, 2009

Carnation Breakfast anyone?

Ok, so you ready for a great laugh! Alright, so my work Christmas party was tonight and it involved a gift exchange! You're probably wondering what's up with the carnation breakfast box, well for a single woman, I don't own any wrapping paper. Sad, I know! I don't know why I don't. So as I was leaving for the party, I frantically searched for a gift bag. My gift was nice...a bath and body works body cream and a body scrub cloth. I wrapped my gift in some plastic bags and then saw a box that was a perfect fit, Carnation Breakfast! I laughed at the thought of putting my gift up with the others and it being the only one that wasn't wrapped, and yet I still did it!

Everyone passed my gift right on by. I told a few of my friends I was sitting by what it was and we were laughing about it as co-worker after co-worker picked other gifts. Here's a picture halfway through the game with it just chilling there.

And yes, it's the second to last gift! Yet, sadly my camera battery died before I could take a picture of it being the last gift. It was so funny! I went up to the front and picked it up, displayed it like Vanna White would. I let everyone know it was a great gift, but everyone kept stealing the other gifts. Everyone was laughing and having a great time at my expense. Finally a nurse who had gotten hers stolen, came up to get mine and was excited to see what it was! She even gave me a hug! Overall, it was a great addition to the party and even my managers loved it! They told me it was a great idea to put the gift in a box like I did. It wasn't intentional, but it gave us all a great laugh and a fun Christmas party! So for your next Christmas party gift exchange, don't judge a gift by its wrapping or non-wrapping! :)


  1. I would've chosen your carnation instant breakfast Alicia!!

  2. hehehehe....I have some wrapping paper you can borrow.
