January 13, 2010

Happy Birthday to me! I'm 25!

Wow! 25 years old . . . and I'll just leave it at that! :) No I'm excited, it will be a great year!


  1. HAPPY BDAY GIRL!!! Wish I could be there to send hugs and throw you the biggest party. 25 was one of my favorite years I can tell you that.

  2. Hope you had an awesome birthday! We can celebrate together when I make it down there next! Love ya! Oh, and congrats on being old!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I didn't know it was yours on the 13th! Don't feel old yet...not until you hit 30 do you start to go downhill...at least your physical body goes downhill! But you still have 5 more years Alicia...so HAVE FUN & ENJOY LIFE!!! Can't wait to see you next girls night!

  4. Happy belated birthday, Alicia!
