June 19, 2010

Chalk Art Festival 2010

Friday night, June 18, 2010, my friend Laura, Mary, and I drove down to Gateway to see Toy Story 3 and to see the Chalk Art Festival. It was amazing! I love art, but I haven't seen too much art done in chalk. It's a fun style! Below are some of my favorite drawings!

People walking up and down the sidewalks of Gateway, watching the artists at work! The girl sitting down is drawing Peter Pan, which was one of my top favorites!
Alice in Wonderland, the Rabbit, and the Mad Hatter!

Einstein with a twisted tongue!

Wendy reading a book to Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and Captain Hook!

Peter Pan!
Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter! Good job!

A collection of Dr. Seuss characters! I wish I could see this one all done, they were good!


  1. How fun and creative, I love it. Hey I have a new blog dedicated to food and travel. If you have any fun easy recipes or any fun travel stories please let me know :) the blog is: lovefoodandtravel.blogspot.com

  2. Those were sweet. Wish I could draw that well. And Congrats again on the good long run you did, I will be there soon.
