February 18, 2011

Brrrrr...it's cold in Utah!

We huddled while waiting for the trax train! My friend Laura Ostlund (or aka "the Eskimo") received free tickets to the Jazz game Wednesday night from her work and asked us to join her! Yeah! Lis Taylor (on my left) and Erin Johnson also came! Girl's night! Our guy friends were jealous when they found out we weren't available to do anything that night. P.S. I wish I would've known a crazy storm was on its way in cause I would've worn better shoes...and socks! We walked out of the arena to a winter wonderland! Come on spring...I know you are almost here!


  1. looks cold, but not with that huge coat your friend has on. I want one of those. oregon doesnt get that bad. I did buy me some sloosh boots, funny looking

  2. hmmm...I think I was at the beach that day... :) and totally small world - I was Laura's RA in the dorms. Crazy! Hope you've warmed up!
