June 17, 2012

Chalk Art Festival 2012

Chalk the Streets! I came to this festival at the Gateway mall in Downtown Salt Lake City 2 years ago and loved it! It's amazing, the talent that other people have! The drawings literally could pop right off the pavement! This year, I decided to volunteer. Lately I have felt my free time should go to other means and so I have thrown a few volunteer applications out there, including this one. My shift was 2-6pm and I manned the chalk swap station. Artists would compare colors of chalk to continue their art. I also had to fend off people from the water jug, which was just for the artists. Shoppers did not come prepared for the heat!
The Chalk Art Festival benefited the Foster Care Foundation of Utah. The festival brought in professional artists, one drew this Iron Man! Incredible!
Captain Jack Sparrow was in the amature section, yet...it's professional! Many people commented he almost popped out of the drawing.
This one was cute, it says "We're not Superheroes, foster parents are!"
Megamind, big and blue!
Dr. Suess! "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not."
I found this one amazing, different than all the others! I love how they made it look like the paint dripped and yet it's a chalk art. Awesome!
Spiderman! This festival is amazing! I will mark this on my calendar next year and either volunteer or maybe I will be good enough to enter!


  1. We were totally there on Friday night! I wish we could have come back on Saturday though to see all of the finished products. That's awesome you got to volunteer!

  2. That is amazing! I have never been, but now I want to go. Way to go for volunteering!
