July 9, 2012

A wildfire burning close to home! Alpine, Quail fire, July 3-8, 2012

About 2pm, July 3rd, it's believed a construction worker controlling a backhow in the fairgrounds of Alpine, Utah started a fire, which grew very close to a few homes, burned down a barn, and all in all burned nearly 2,300 acres.
My parents live a city or two south of this fire, Pleasant Grove. They weren't evacuated, but we took a drive on July 4th to see the extent of it. I was excited about this picture. I wanted to capture the serene horses with the fire in the background!
The helicoptor is flying in to dump water on the fire.
This is how close the fire was to these homes. One homeowner never thought he'd see his house again. His barn burned down, but his house escaped the fire despite a few burned parts of his fence and the siding of a playhouse.
The plane dumping retardant below the fire line. The fire marshall and firefighters were expecting the winds to change that night and possibly bring the fire raging back down the mountain.
The fire at night!
I took this picture 8pm on July 4th, 8 hours later. The fire had moved into the bowl of the mountain. I caught two areas where the fire began burning new areas. It's sad, but interesting to watch.
This picture was taken 2 days later on July 6th, the fire had been contained in this area besides hot spots. It's amazing the difference a few days can make, plus a rain storm helped! Our prayers were answered! It's sad to see the beautiful green mountains replaced with blackened, burned pine trees. I just want to say how grateful I am for all the volunteers, but mostly the firefighters for containing this wildfire so close to what I call HOME!

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