I have a great story...ready! I slept the night at my parents after the Harry Potter movie and on my way out to the freeway in Pleasant Grove, I decided to stop at Target. Now just keep in mind I woke up, threw on my basketball sweat pants, a sweat shirt, threw my hair up in a bun, and since my contacts were still cleaning I wore my glasses and the only shoes I had were my basketball shoes. Can you you picture what I look like? Oh, and no makeup, I was just on my way back to Salt Lake. I walk into Target and passed a man and a woman who appeared nicely dressed. I figured that as I passed them, the look they gave me was "wow, she definitely doesn't dress as nice as we do"! I could just see it in their faces! Whatever, I didn't care! I found the music aisle and began perusing the merchandise. Within a few minutes, the couple who gave me the "look" were walking down the aisle towards me! What?
As they approached me, the woman told me they couldn't help but notice that as I passed them how tall and pretty I was! Really? Did they not see what I am wearing? As they went on, they asked me if I had ever modeled before and if I would be interested. I gave them my number to get them off my back and received a business card as well. I received my first call today for a free modeling audition! Should I do it? I'm really not interested, but the compliment of being approached is enough for me!
I'm not surprised. You are very beautiful and it shows inside and out!!
GO FOR IT!! you have nothing to lose.
You should totally do it! And you are so so pretty. That is a GREAT story too. Just think...you'll be able to tell your grandkids in 50 years that once upon a time... ha ha
Why not? Sounds Exciting!
yeah give a shot! sounds fun!! if you get it, i bet you'll get a lot of free clothes and stuff! and get your hair and makeup done...pampered i guess!! that's always good! let me know what happens
awesome! you should try it out!
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