April 26, 2009

Emily graduated from BYU in Biology! Way to go Em!

April 24, 2009. Emily and I outside the Marriot Center at BYU. She was waiting to walk in and text me to come chat with her while she waited. I came with my mom and Grandpa Hardy, but Grandma Hardy stayed home. ;( And dad left his phone at home, so luckily he was able to borrow someones to find us. They were handing out free chocolate milk and cinnamon rolls outside to people. So Emily picked up a chocolate milk for dad, he's addicted to it!

Emily shaking Sandra Rogers hand, she was the administrative representative at the convocation. She's actually a Nurse and used to work in the College of Nursing. Go Nursing!

Grandpa Hardy and me! Isn't he cute!

Okay so Emily wasn't expecting me to pull one of my weird faces in this picture! So we tried again and ...

She finally gave in and pulled a good one! Yah Em, we look so cute!