July 24, 2011

LDS Church History tour - Palmyra, NY!

My church history tour began on July 14th. My friend Kelli Arnesen and I had wanted to do this tour for a long time and finally the planning began a few months ago. I met Kelli at the Chicago airport and from there we flew into Buffalo, NY. We met friends of Kelli's from college, Adam and Erica Garbinski and their son Austin who is 1.5 yrs old in Buffalo, and from there we headed out to Palmyra, NY. On July 15th, we toured the home of Joseph Smith Jr. and the Sacred Grove. Above is the reconstructed home on original foundation of Joseph Smith Jr.
The Sacred Grove! What a beautiful place! I could feel the spirit so strong. The grove is so thick of trees, exactly how I imagined it would look like. I kept playing in my mind the events that transpired there and how they've affected my life and countless others. How grateful I am for Joseph Smith and his diligence in bringing the everlasting Gospel to this dispensation.
I also kept thinking of the words in the hymn, Joseph Smith's First Prayer. "Oh, how lovely was the morning! Radiant beamed the sun above."
Kelli and I enjoying our walk through the Sacred Grove!
Okay, some people may not find this law firms name funny, unless you are a nurse or work in the medical field. Kelli and I went through BYU's nursing school together and as such share a common love and laugh for all things medical. We were walking down main street in Palmyra on Friday and she noticed this law firm. If you aren't sure what a foley is, then you may not want to know, but I feel the general public knows. If you don't, please research it on your own doing. But may I say, you were warned! It gave us quite the laugh!
On main street in Palmyra is the historic publication site of the Book of Mormon, which is still standing. I came to appreciate original buildings in Palmyra because most of them burned down and were rebuilt on original foundation. E.B. Grandin printed 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon, which was paid for by Martin Harris after financing his farm for $3,000. On March 26, 1830, the Book of Mormon went on sale for $1.75 and was later reduced to $1.25. Above is a copy of the original manuscript E.B. Grandin used to publish the book of Mormon. If you look closely, you can read the verse of scripture "I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commandeth..."
The printing press at the Historic Publication Site of the Book of Mormon
The printing room, after the pages were printed, they hung them to dry before being sewn into the spine of the book.
The Historic Publication Site of the Book of Mormon!
The Hill Cumorah pageant! They set out 9,000 seats and it was full! The pageant was beautiful! The special effects, costumes, and stage were incredible! I especially loved how they sprayed water and used the lights to convey the different dreams Lehi and Nephi had!
Kelli and I with Dallin Hatch, who played Joseph Smith Jr. in the pageant! I came to find out Dallin was from Pleasant Grove and played basketball on the high school team with my brother Neal. What a small world!
A few pictures from the pageant! It was my first time using the zoom lens on my camera! I realized how close up I could get, wow! I love my camera!
Joseph preaching to the early Saints!
The site of the organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 6, 1830. The home and farm of Peter Whitmer, Fayette, NY.
I tried to picture Joseph sitting in front of the fireplace conducting the organization of the church. The home was also destroyed by fire, but the foundation was found and a replica was rebuilt.
The grave of Alvin Smith, brother to Joseph Smith Jr., who died in his 26th year of life.
I was glad we looked at the back of the grave or we would've missed to what we believe was the original grave marker.
The Palmyra, New York Temple
I loved how there is nothing surrounding this temple but open land. The road in front leads to the home of Joseph Smith Jr. and Sacred Grove historic sites and across the road is a ward house. Yet, behind is open farm land.
On Sunday, we went to the Palmyra ward which meets across the street from the temple. After sacrament,we walked around the temple grounds and then headed back to our hotel to grab our luggage before we hit the road to Ohio!

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