November 20, 2009

The Twilight saga - New Moon!

I liked it! I originally wanted to go opening night at midnight, but I was unable to find anyone willing to go. So I went the next morning to the Early Bird show (the first matinee of the day). I arrived an hour and a half before start time, which was way too early! They didn't let anyone into the theatre until 9:25am. The showtime was 10am! When I arrived, the guy said they weren't seating yet, so I asked if I could wait in a line or something. He put me in a line, and I was the only one! When the theatre opened, I...again...was the first one into the theatre. You might think, what.. it's Twilight? Well, if it had been 10pm, it would've been another story, but at 10am I had a great seat and enjoyed the movie! They did a much better job with the special effects and acting! I mean who can say they were the first person in line and into the theatre for a Twilight saga movie? I can!

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